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Download Skat Online and Join the Largest Skat Community

Skat Online Download: How to Play Germany's National Card Game on Your Device

If you are looking for a fun and challenging card game that can test your skills and strategy, you might want to try Skat. Skat is a three-player trick-taking game that originated in Germany in the early 19th century and has since become one of the most popular card games in the country as well as in many other parts of the world. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Skat online download, including what Skat is and why you should play it, how to play Skat online, and some tips and tricks for Skat online players.

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What is Skat and Why Should You Play It?

The History and Popularity of Skat

Skat was developed by the members of a local Tarock club in Altenburg, near Leipzig, around 1809 from older card games such as Schafkopf, Tarot, and L'Hombre. The game was first known as Ore Mountain Schafkopf (Erzgebirgischer Schafkopf) and later as Scat or Skad. The game spread rapidly within German-speaking Europe and also in the US and is now considered Germany's national card game.

Skat is played by millions of people in Germany and abroad, both casually and competitively. There are many clubs, associations, tournaments, and events dedicated to Skat. The International Skat Players Association (ISPA) has affiliates in more than a dozen countries. There are also different variants of Skat, such as North American Skat, Texas Skat, Danish Skat, Polish Skat, and others.

The Benefits and Challenges of Skat

Skat is a game of strategy and skill that can provide many benefits for its players. Some of these benefits are:

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  • Skat can improve your memory, concentration, logic, calculation, and decision-making abilities.

  • Skat can enhance your social skills, communication, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

  • Skat can offer you entertainment, relaxation, fun, challenge, excitement, and satisfaction.

  • Skat can help you learn about German culture, history, language, and traditions.

However, Skat is not an easy game to learn or master. It has many rules, variations, terms, values, bids, contracts, strategies, tactics, tips, tricks, pitfalls, mistakes, etc. that can be confusing or overwhelming for beginners or even experienced players. Therefore, playing Skat requires patience, practice, dedication, curiosity, openness, and willingness to learn from others.

How to Play Skat Online

The Rules and Strategies of Skat

The basic rules of Skat are as follows:

  • Skat is played with a 32-card deck with four suits (clubs/eichel, spades/leaf/grün, hearts/heart/roz, diamonds/bells/karo) and eight cards per suit (7, 8, 9, 10, jack/unter, queen/ober, king/könig, ace). [^6^ - The game is played by three players, with one player (the declarer) playing against the other two (the defenders). The declarer is determined by a bidding process, where each player can make a bid based on the value of their hand and the game they want to play. The highest bidder becomes the declarer and chooses the game. - The game consists of two phases: the deal and the play. In the deal, each player receives 10 cards and two cards are placed face down in the middle of the table, forming the skat. The declarer can pick up the skat and discard two cards of their choice, or leave the skat as it is. In the play, the declarer plays the first card and the other players follow suit. The player who plays the highest card of the same suit or the highest trump card wins the trick and leads the next one. The game ends when all 10 tricks are played. - The scoring of Skat is based on the value of the game, which depends on the type of game, the trump suit, the number of matadors (consecutive high trumps from jack of clubs), and whether the declarer used the skat or not. The declarer wins if they take at least 61 points in tricks, or more if they announced a higher value. The defenders win if they prevent the declarer from reaching their goal. The winner gets a positive score and the loser gets a negative score.

There are four types of games in Skat: suit games, grand games, null games, and ramsch games. Each type has different rules, values, and strategies. Here is a brief overview of each type:





Suit games

The declarer chooses one of the four suits as trumps, with jacks being the highest trumps. The other suits rank from ace to 7. The declarer's goal is to take at least 61 points in tricks.

The base value is 9 for clubs, 10 for spades, 11 for hearts, and 12 for diamonds. The value is multiplied by the number of matadors plus one.

The declarer should try to use their trumps wisely and avoid losing tricks to high cards of other suits. The defenders should try to force the declarer to use their trumps early and take tricks with high cards of other suits.

Grand games

Only jacks are trumps, ranking from jack of clubs to jack of diamonds. The other suits rank from ace to 7. The declarer's goal is to take at least 61 points in tricks.

The base value is 24. The value is multiplied by the number of matadors plus one.

The declarer should try to use their jacks effectively and avoid losing tricks to high cards of other suits. The defenders should try to capture the jacks or force them out with high cards of other suits.

Null games

There are no trumps and no card rankings. The declarer's goal is to lose all tricks.

The base value is 23 for null, 35 for null ouvert (the declarer plays with open cards), 46 for null hand (the declarer does not use the skat), and 59 for null ouvert hand.

The declarer should try to play low cards and avoid taking any tricks. The defenders should try to give tricks to the declarer with high cards or cards of the same suit.

Ramsch games

There are no trumps and no card rankings. All players play for themselves and try to avoid taking any points in tricks.

The base value is -10 for each point taken in tricks. If one player takes all points, they get a positive score of +40 (schneider) or +50 (schwarz) instead.

All players should try to play low cards and avoid taking any points in tricks. If one player has a very bad hand, they can try to take all points and win instead.

The Best Apps and Websites for Skat Online Download

If you want to play Skat online on your device, you have many options to choose from. There are many apps and websites that offer Skat online download for free or for a fee, with different features, designs, levels, modes, etc. Here are some of the best ones that we recommend:

  • : This is a website that allows you to play Skat online with real players or against the computer. You can choose from different game types, modes, levels, and settings. You can also chat with other players, join clubs, participate in tournaments, and view statistics and rankings.

- : This is an app that you can download on your Android or iOS device and play Skat online anytime and anywhere. You can play with friends or strangers, join leagues, earn medals, and customize your avatar and table. The app has a user-friendly interface, realistic graphics, and sound effects.

- : This is a website that offers Skat online download for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS devices. You can play Skat online with other players or watch live games and learn from the experts. You can also access tutorials, videos, articles, forums, and blogs about Skat. The website has a modern design and a large community of Skat enthusiasts.

- : This is an app that you can download on your Windows device and play Skat offline or online. You can play with different difficulty levels, game variants, rules, and options. You can also track your progress, analyze your games, and improve your skills. The app has a classic look and feel and a simple interface.

Tips and Tricks for Skat Online Players

How to Improve Your Skills and Win More Games

Playing Skat online can be a great way to practice your skills and have fun. However, if you want to improve your skills and win more games, you need to follow some tips and tricks that can help you become a better Skat player. Here are some of them:

  • Learn the rules and values of Skat thoroughly. You need to know how to bid, play, score, and win each type of game. You also need to know the value of each card and each game.

  • Practice regularly and play with different opponents. You need to play as much as you can to gain experience and confidence. You also need to play with different opponents to learn from their styles and strategies.

  • Use your memory and logic. You need to remember the cards that have been played and the cards that are left in the game. You also need to use your logic to deduce the cards that your opponents have and the best moves to make.

  • Plan ahead and be flexible. You need to have a plan for each game based on your hand, the skat, the bid, the game type, etc. However, you also need to be flexible and adapt to the changing situations in the game.

  • Be observant and communicative. You need to pay attention to the clues that your opponents give you through their bids, plays, reactions, etc. You also need to communicate with your partner (if you have one) through signals, conventions, etc.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

Playing Skat online can also be challenging and frustrating at times. There are some common mistakes and pitfalls that you should avoid if you want to enjoy the game and avoid losing points or money. Here are some of them:

  • Don't overbid or underbid. You need to bid according to the value of your hand and the game you want to play. If you overbid, you risk losing more points than you can win. If you underbid, you miss the opportunity to win more points.

  • Don't play too fast or too slow. You need to play at a reasonable pace that suits the game and your opponents. If you play too fast, you might make careless mistakes or miss important details. If you play too slow, you might annoy your opponents or lose concentration.

  • Don't be too greedy or too timid. You need to balance your risk and reward in each game. If you are too greedy, you might take unnecessary risks or lose control of the game. If you are too timid, you might miss chances or let your opponents dominate the game.

  • Don't be too predictable or too random. You need to vary your bids, plays, signals, etc. in each game. If you are too predictable, your opponents might anticipate your moves and counter them easily. If you are too random, your partner (if you have one) might get confused or misled by your actions.

  • Don't be too arrogant or - Don't be too arrogant or too humble. You need to respect your opponents and yourself in each game. If you are too arrogant, you might underestimate your opponents or overestimate yourself. If you are too humble, you might not assert yourself or show your skills.


Skat is a fascinating and rewarding card game that can offer you hours of fun and challenge. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you can play Skat online on your device with various apps and websites that offer Skat online download. You can also improve your skills and win more games by following some tips and tricks and avoiding some common mistakes and pitfalls. We hope that this article has helped you learn more about Skat online download and inspired you to try it out. Happy playing!


What is the difference between Skat and Skat 2?

Skat 2 is a variant of Skat that is played with two players instead of three. The rules are mostly the same, except that the dealer does not participate in the bidding or the play and only deals the cards. The skat consists of four cards instead of two, and the declarer can choose to play with or without the skat.

How can I play Skat online with my friends?

You can play Skat online with your friends by using apps or websites that allow you to create private rooms or tables and invite your friends to join. Some examples are Skat Palast, Skatstube, and Skat Online. You can also use video chat or voice chat to communicate with your friends while playing.

How can I learn Skat online for free?

You can learn Skat online for free by using apps or websites that offer tutorials, videos, articles, forums, blogs, etc. about Skat. Some examples are Skatstube, Skat Academy, and Skat Lernen. You can also watch live games or replays of Skat online and learn from the experts.

What are some of the best books about Skat?

Some of the best books about Skat are:

  • by Matthias Kribben

  • by Peter Arnold

  • by Rob Beattie

  • by Reinhard von Seydlitz

  • by Joe Wergin

Where can I find more information about Skat online?

You can find more information about Skat online by visiting the following websites:

  • : The official website of the ISPA, which organizes international tournaments and events for Skat players.

  • : A wiki that contains information about the rules, history, variants, terms, values, strategies, etc. of Skat.

  • : A forum where you can discuss anything related to Skat with other players.

  • : A blog that features news, articles, tips, tricks, reviews, etc. about Skat.

  • : A podcast that covers topics such as Skat history, culture, rules, strategies, tournaments, etc.


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